OpenAI Voicemail Transcription Now in PRO
License change: Open AI voicemail transcription to be included with PRO in update 5.
In update 4 we enforced OpenAI as an enterprise feature having launched it in Update 2. Many customers have started to use it for voicemail transcription and were not willing or unable to move to the enterprise edition. Therefore we have now decided to make voicemail transcription using OpenAI part of the PRO edition. Previously you could only use Google. Now you can use Google, 3CX or OpenAI.
Full transcription of conversations requires the ENT license which also gives you call analytics.
What’s Changed Since Version 18?
In Version 18, transcription for voicemails and calls up to 2 minutes was available to PRO users with Google only. With Version 20 there have been some updates to this:
PRO has access to voicemail transcription only.
ENT is required for call recording transcription and analytics when available.
These changes streamline offerings while keeping voicemail transcription accessible and free to all PRO users. Practically transcription for calls in V18 was not possible as Google limited transcription to 2 minutes anyway.
Call Transcription with Google
For 3CX PRO users relying on call transcription with Google, there are two options:
Upgrade to ENT:Â Gain full access to transcription and analytics with an inexpensive upgrade to ENT licences.
Refund:Â If you feel this change wrongfully impacts you, we are happy to process a refund for you.
Transcription Built for Business
Voicemail transcription ensures you stay connected and informed without wasting time. Whether in a meeting or on the go, this feature allows you to keep up with communications easily.
By including voicemail transcription in our pro licence and offering full capabilities in ENT, 3CX provides scalable options for businesses of all sizes.
When Will This be Available?
This will be released as part of update 5 which is scheduled to be available in early 2025.