3CX Licence Price Increase
Please be aware that 3CX has made the decision to update it's pricing structure. These changes are effective as of 4th February 2025.
In the past, Servcomm has been able to mitigate price increases made by 3CX, however, due to now compunded increases, particularly around smaller licences and hosting, we will be unable to continue the subsidies we put in place and these cost will now have be passed on to our clients upon renewal of your 3CX Licence.
It is worth pointing out that even with the increases, 3CX still remains the best value for money in the marketplace.
License pricing changes
3CX updated the price list inline with their 2025 strategy, outlined here strategy 2025 blog. In a nutshell, prices have increased across some of 3CX's smaller licensing and hosting options. To view the latest pricing information, along with the old pricing, see the images below
New 3CX Pricelist

3CX Pre 4th Feb 2025 Pricing (OLD)

Hosting pricing changes
You will notice an increase in hosting prices for the 4 and 8 SC license sizes and a reduction of hosting cost for the larger licenses. Previously, smaller licenses were being subsidized and provided at cost. 3CX are no longer extending the subsidy.
Wherever possible in order to mitigate the increased 3CX hosting costs for smaller instances, Servcomm will migrate clients to our own hosting platforms, these are hosted using the same partners as 3CX direct hosting, so this change will not affect or degrade your systems in any way.