V15.5, Update 4 BETA: Voicemail to text transcription, queue ringtones and more…

Update 4 is hot out the oven. We’ve added some new features to this update which will further improve productivity for both administrators and users. We also made approximately 60 fixes to 3CX, a detailed list can be found here.
Voicemail to Text Transcription
We’ve added the ability to transcribe your voicemail messages to text messages; you can either receive the text as an email or go into your 3CX web client under the voicemail tab and view them from there. It requires a Microsoft Speech Account. Read the guide on how to set up this feature in your PBX.

Queue Ringtones and Multicast Provisioning
A different ringtone can be added for queue calls – a much requested feature. In addition to this, users can enable Multicast on supported phones without the need for custom templates – it can all be done directly from the management console.
Multicast Ring Group provisioning can’t be used if the provisioning types are SBC and Remote STUN.
Alternative 3CX Supported IP Phone Firmware
You can now use alternative firmware for supported IP Phones. For example, you can use firmware that is available in different languages or other 3rd party firmware other than the default 3CX firmware. All you have to do is go to the management console>Settings>Phone/Client options and enable the checkbox Firmware settings.

More features:
UTF8 encoding in recording file names
Dashboard bar notifications for Firewall messages, Custom IP phone templates and Unsupported VoIP Providers. “Firewall Custom template Unsupported Provider”
3CX SIP Server option to unbind from IPv6
Watch the video on “What’s new in Update 4”
Download links Go to the updates section on the dashboard of the management console where you will see a release update 15.5 SP4 Beta. Click on the update and SP4 will be installed. If you want to download a new installation you can download the Linux version or the Windows version. Windows: https://downloads.3cx.com/downloads/3CXPhoneSystem_15.5.10072.4.exe Linux: Download 3CX ISO from here.

A dialog will be displayed asking you what update you wish to install. Select 3CX Beta to install this update.
For Debian 8 (Jessie) users only – Users that have not yet upgraded to Debian 9 installs need to use the following commands:
wget -O- http://downloads.3cx.com/downloads/3cxpbx/public.key | apt-key add - echo "deb http://downloads.3cx.com/downloads/debian jessie-testing main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/3cxpbx-testing.list apt-get update apt-get -t testing install 3cxpbx
Debian 8 (Jessie) users must follow this guide on how to upgrade Debian 8 to Debian 9 Stretch.
View the complete change log.
This BETA version should not be installed in production systems. Install only for evaluation purposes. Backups taken from BETA versions will not work. This version is not covered by any support SLA.